Lighting Matters!

Finding the right shade is tricky! Lighting conditions, stump shades, cement color, old shade guides and varying material properties can all change the way we see color. 

While we all differ in our approach to shade selection, here are some foundational steps for the best shade match to reduce remakes:

Dental Shade Selection and Communication Protocol

  1. With the patient in the chair, select 2 to 3 shade tabs that appear to best match the patient’s tooth: your first choice and your second choice.

  2. Do NOT shine direct lighting into the mouth. Use ambient light that is bright. 

  3. Take multiple photos of the patient’s mouth with all shade tabs in the SAME PLANE and in view for reference.

  4. Photos should be taken from slightly different angles to adjust for lighting.

Same photo with possible variations in the following lighting: headlamp / overhead light / blinds closed or open

Tips and Tricks for Zirconia Cases:

  • If you’ve had zirconia crowns end up lighter than expected, this is extremely common. The opacity in the zirconia tends to give a feeling of a lighter/chalkier feel compared to something like lithium disilicate (E.max). In order to compensate, ask to have the technician stain a hair darker than the desired color. 

  • As a Paramount customer, we can also send you a free A2 crown sample upon request to calibrate coloring in the office. Email with the code “LightMatters” to receive your free sample.

Does the patient’s anterior tooth vary from the shade tab regarding hue, chroma, or translucency?


We used PFZ for #9 to match this patient’s unusual coloring.


We recommend porcelain-fused-to-zirconia (PFZ). While a PFZ is more fragile and requires more reduction than a standard zirconia crown, choosing PFZ gives your technician the most amount of control of every aspect of the appearance of the crown. 

Optimal Shade

At Paramount, we match our restorations to the exact shade you selected by using the corrective lighting of Pantone light booths. According to our data, this approach has led to 31% fewer remakes and 43% higher customer satisfaction. Your cosmetic cases demand optimal shade outcomes and Paramount is structured with that in mind. We are committed to using the best people and technology to ensure those results.


About Paramount:

Paramount Dental Studio is a family-owned, veteran-operated dental lab in Huntington Beach, California. We’ve been trusted by dentists with high-quality work since 1981. We are a leader in digital dentistry, working with all scanners and physical impressions.