Terms and Conditions

This Liability Clause ("Clause") outlines the terms and conditions governing the liability of Paramount Dental Studio ("Dental Lab") in providing implant planning services to dentists ("Clients"). By engaging the services of the Dental Lab, Clients acknowledge and agree to the terms contained herein.


1. Scope of Services

The Dental Lab offers implant planning services to Clients, which may include but are not limited to digital implant treatment planning, surgical guide design, surgical guide production, surgical stent production, and related services ("Services"). The Dental Lab shall perform these Services with the utmost care and professionalism.

2. Liability Limitations

a. Professional Standard: The Dental Lab shall provide the Services in accordance with industry standards and best practices. However, it is understood that implant planning is a complex and individualized process, and results may vary. The Dental Lab's liability is limited to performing the Services with reasonable skill and care.

b. No Guarantee of Outcomes: The Dental Lab does not guarantee specific surgical or treatment outcomes. The success of implant procedures also depends on factors beyond the Dental Lab's control, including the skill of the treating dentist, the accuracy of physical impressions, the accuracy of intra-oral scans, the accuracy of CBCT scans, the patient's health, and the post-operative care provided.

c. Third-Party Materials: The Dental Lab may utilize materials or components supplied by third parties in the provision of Services. Any defects or issues related to third-party materials are subject to the terms and warranties provided by the respective suppliers, and the Dental Lab shall not be held liable for such issues.

3. Client Responsibilities

a. Accurate Information: Clients are responsible for providing accurate patient information, including medical history and diagnostic records, to the Dental Lab. Any inaccuracies in the information provided may affect the quality of the Services.

b. Dentist's Expertise: Clients acknowledge that the treating dentist is responsible for the clinical aspects of implant placement and surgery. The Dental Lab's role is limited exclusively to providing planning services and guidance.

4. Indemnification

Clients agree to indemnify and hold the Dental Lab harmless from any claims, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, and expenses arising from the use of the Services, including but not limited to claims related to treatment outcomes, patient dissatisfaction, or third-party claims.

5. Termination

The Dental Lab reserves the right to terminate or refuse Services to any Client at its discretion, without liability, in the event of non-payment, breach of these terms, or any other justifiable reason.

6. Governing Law

This Clause shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of California, and any disputes arising under or in connection with this Clause shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of California.

7. Changes to Terms

The Dental Lab reserves the right to update or modify this Liability Clause at its discretion. Clients will be notified of any changes, and continued use of the Dental Lab's Services implies acceptance of the revised terms.

By engaging the services (i.e. sending a surgical guide or stent case) of the Dental Lab, Clients acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this Liability Clause.